| 1. | Test methods for indentation hardness of organic coatings 有机涂层压痕硬度的试验方法 |
| 2. | Standard test method for tensile properties of organic coatings 有机涂层抗拉性能试验方法 |
| 3. | Standard test method for mar resistance of organic coatings 有机覆层耐损伤的标准试验方法 |
| 4. | Organic coatings - paints and varnishes - scrubbability test 有机涂料.涂料和清漆.耐擦洗试验 |
| 5. | Unlike organic coatings small damage area need no touch up 故此锌层不像其他有机涂层需要修补。 |
| 6. | Standard test method for impact flexibility of organic coatings 有机涂层冲击弯曲性的标准试验方法 |
| 7. | Test methods for measurement of wet film thickness of organic coatings 有机涂层湿膜厚度的测试方法 |
| 8. | Standard test methods for practical washability of organic coatings 有机覆层实际可洗性的标准试验方法 |
| 9. | Coatings on metal fasteners - specification for organic coatings 金属紧固件涂层.第10部分:有机涂层规范 |
| 10. | Organic coatings for steel enclosures for outdoor use electrical equipment 户外电气设备钢外壳的有机覆层 |